The key to successful community engagement is often to use multiple engagement methods, each designed to capture the thoughts and interests of different demographics. One of our clients, the Joint Melksham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, did exactly this for their formal Regulation 14 consultation which they held during the first lockdown of the pandemic in…
Ross-on-Wye Neighbourhood Plan is a Finalist in National Awards!
We are excited to share that Ross-on-Wye Neighbourhood Plan has been named as a finalist in the category for Excellence in Plan Making at the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Awards for Planning Excellence 2021! Throughout the project, a variety of active community engagement activities were used to collect truly local evidence to produce a…
New Year, New Opportunities…
As we begin this new year, we’ve been reflecting on 2020. A difficult year in so many ways, but also a year that presented us with new opportunities and ways of working. Covid-19 has pushed us into working digitally more than ever and we are seeing great results doing online workshops and using collaborative technology…
Consultation in the sensitive and historic city of Bath
Place Studio, with our consultant Alison Bethell who is part of our extended team, has delivered the launch of the Bath City Centre Security Project consultation starting today with more than 1000 city centre addresses and across the district. Once in place the scheme will bolster the security of Bath city centre’s most crowded spaces…
We have a High Streets Task Force Expert on our team…
The High Streets Task Force is an alliance of place making experts that providesencouragement, tools and skills to help communities and local government transform their high streets. Experts are experienced and respected professionals, at Member or Fellow level of their respective professional body. Experts; • Visit specific high streets and town centres to work with…
Challenges and opportunities ahead for planning, design and local communities
At the end of the end of this week the consultation on the Planning White Paper closes. As a team we have been engaging with the wider profession to discuss and debate the proposed changes in the White Paper and have contributed to responses from organisation. There are a number of challenges and opportunities that…
RTPI Chartership
We are so pleased to share the brilliant news that Georgina has become a Chartered Town Planner, the ultimate qualification for the profession awarded exclusively by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). Georgina joined Place Studio back in 2017 when she worked part time as she studied for her masters in Urban Planning at UWE. Following her…
THREE projects shortlisted for a planning award!
RTPI South West and RTPI Midlands Awards for Planning Excellence 2020 We recently submitted three projects to the RTPI (Royal Town Planning Institute) Regional Awards, so we were as pleased as punch that all three were shortlisted! The regional Awards for Planning Excellence celebrate projects and people who have helped create exceptional places and improved…