Securing High Quality Development
Design Review for the Bath World Heritage Site
Client: Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES)
Delivering on Local and Neighbourhood Plan policies relies upon their successful delivery through advising and assessing pre-application and planning application proposals. With our help, many parishes and local authorities have adopted Pre-application Protocols, which strongly encourage applicants to enter into dialogue to shape successful schemes before the expense of submitting an application. The Place Studio team provides councils and parishes with urban design, landscape and conservation advice to help them advise, assess and enter into constructive dialogue to achieve development proposals that protect and enhance environments and deliver on wider policy objectives.
Our chartered town planning and urban design expert is an accredited Design Council Built Environment Expert with more than 30 years experience. Our connections with equally experienced landscape, heritage and land use planning experts, provide us with the capacity to offer a comprehensive scheme advisory and assessment service.
We have advised on strategic greenfield development, urban and institutional master plans, major regeneration urban schemes and the sensitive intervention of developments into the most historic environments, including Bath World Heritage Site.
Place Studio is currently retained as design advisor to B&NES, where we help the council and applicants to craft major additions to the city and district that celebrate and enhance the remarkable qualities of Bath while also being clearly of their time. This work has included guiding designs for more than 1,000 new homes on former MoD land, major university and student development and the regeneration of Bath city centre riverside to create a new mixed use riverside quarter.
The Place Studio team are now starting to provide design and planning scheme assessment for Parish and Town Councils with made Neighbourhood Plans to ensure that their plan policies are fully addressed, in part through pre-application engagement, in planning applications.
Featured image and left: Photo by Cajeo Zhang on Unsplash